Friday, March 11, 2011

The 5 things that made my Friday

On a scale of awful to amazing, my day gets a A-. I have no idea what that means, but since it's my blog, I can make up whatever kind of arbitrary rating scales my  heart desires. Right? Right.
(side note: I tried to teach my students "capeesh" this year. They struggled with it. Then I tried "comprende", but it turns out that my kids really should probably just stick to English. My district is getting Rosetta Stone software this maybe that will help. Orrrr maybe it will make their little brains even more confused and we'll all run around speaking a mix of Spanish/German/French/Italian/English and pull our hairs out and change professions.)
I digress.
Ok, here's why my day rocked:

1. A great 3.5 mile run, plus .5 mile walk in 42 minutes.
good job, shoes. you can stay another day.

2.  A delicious, filling breakfast.  Cinnamon raisin bagel thin + a smear of pb + half a banana + a gallon of iced coffee= jawesome.

I eat my breakfast on a bagel bag.... SO classy.
3. My computer got a virus, and our tech girl was able to re-image that baby in roughly 25 minutes. SHE'S A KEEPER.
...hello in theeeeere? obviously this was pre-intervention.
4. New jeans. 7 for all mankind. Need I say more? Well, yes. I need to say convince you ladies to invest in these jeans. Seriously, these jeans are my favorite 7s so far. They just feel GOOD. Stretchy...perfect length...nice big pockets to flatter the butt...not too low of a waist...perfection.
source of perfect bum in jeans (clearly not mine)
5. Jamaican bread. A friend and coworker's husband is from Jamaica, so they occasionally make a trip to Charlotte, NC to visit a Jamaican food store. My friend brought me a few pieces of this crack delicious bread. It's really dense, yet so light tasting! It's a little sweet, and kind of chewy! SO SO GOOD.
Mine wasn't in loaf form, just a few slices...which I ate before I left school. Sorry, Ben. Maybe next time I won't be a selfish hoarder of all things delicious and carby. :)

What was wonderful about your Friday?
Any great plans for the weekend?

1 comment:

  1. jamaican bread?! yum! i bet it would taste delicious with a huge glass of red stripe ;)
